1. P.VaraPrasada Rao ,Dr A.Govardhan,” Implementation of a python based hierarchical clustering program on hindex dataset of journals using normalization and priority queue elements”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , Volume 10, Number 24 pp 44440-44444 ,2015.
2. K ButchiRaju, Dr. S Viswanadha Raju, “Numeral N-folded parallel string matching “,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Number 19 pp 40415-40433,2015
1. Srikanth Bethu, Punugoti Srikanth, MD.Asrar Ahmed, ”Contention Management Policy in Software Transactional Memory in Parallel and Distributed Systems”, International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, 2014.
2. Mulugu Narendhar, K. Anuradha,” Study on Agile Process Methodology and Emergence of Unsupervised Learning to Identify Patterns from Object Oriented System”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 249, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of CSI - Volume II, 2014.
3. M.S.V.S. Bhadri Raju, B.Vishnu Vardhan, V.Sowmya,” Variant Nearest Neighbor Classification Algorithm for Text Document”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 249, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of CSI - Volume II, 2014.
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