Boda Sindhuja
Assistant Professor
About myself
Boda Sindhuja is an assistant professor in Computer Science and Engineering at GRIET. She pursued her masters in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad and had about three years of academic and teaching experience in the field of social networking and programming.She has been actively involved in guiding numerous mini and major projects to undergraduate students. Sindhuja's research interest includes networks, Software Engineering, cloud computing and Data science. To her credit, she has published a couple of research articles on temporally valid multidimensional social networks and also presented her work in a national conference on the E-Learning on Larval Frame work in Computer Science and Engineering. At GRIET, Sindhuja has proved herself as a renowned assistant professor with her extensive teaching and administrative abilities. Also, she is well known to enlight young undergraduate minds with motivation and exposure to advances in the field of Social networking, cloud computing, Software Engineering and Data Science.
☎ Contact Details
Boda Sindhuja
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Masters of Technology (CSE) from GNITS Hyderabad, (2013-2015)
Bachelor of Technology (CSE) from VIT Bhimavaram, (JNTUK) (2009- 2012)
Professional Background
Presently working as Assistant Professor in CSE Department at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally,Hyderabad.Administrative Experience
Accreditation WorkMentoring students
Courses Taught
1. Digital Logic Design2. Digital Logic Design Lab
3. OOP’s through JAVA Lab
International Journals
Seminars and Symposiums
1. Attended 6-day workshop on “ Machine Learning: Recent Trends Applications” from NIT Warangal, HYd
2. Attended 2-day workshop on “ Introduction to Machine Learning” from IIT-Kharagpur
3. Successfully completed an AICTE approved Faculty Development Programme(FDP101x) on Foundation Program in ICT for Education conducted by IIT Bombay from August 3, 2017 to September 7, 2017
4. Successfully completed an AICTE approved Faculty Development Programme(FDP201x) on Pedagogy for online and Blended Teaching- Learning Process conducted by IIT Bombay from September 14, 2017 to October 12, 2017
5. Attended Technical talk by Prof.Risto on Evolutionary Neural Networks on 14-12-2017 at GRIET-Hyd
6. Attended Hands on Workshop on Simulation of wireless sensor Networks Using ns-3 Simulator
7. AICTE-NITTT-Module 1: Orientation towards technical education and curriculum aspects through swayam
8. AICTE-NITTT-Module 5 : Technology Enabled Learning and life long self learning through swayam
9. Attended webinar AWS Technical Essentials conducted by AWS Academy
10. Attended a two day workshop on Online Tools & Software for Remote Teaching Learning Oraganized by UGC-HRDC-JNTUH
11. Artificial Intelligence for robotics conducted by CSE Department in GRIET, Hyderabad
12. FDP on IoT Applications through NITTTR
13. Attended FDP For one week On Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science at GRIET,Hyderabad
14. Attended A 5-Day National Level Hands-On workshop on Machine Learning with web Development in Association with codegnan IT Solutions
15. Attended ONLINE AICTE MARGDARSHAN FDP on Art of Writing Papers and Research Methodologies
16. FDP on Data Science conducted by ExcelR Collaborated with Telangana Academy
1.Certified in “Introduction to Machine Learning”conducted by IIT Kharagpur2.Certified in “Pedagogy For Online and Blended Teaching –learning Process”conducted by IIT Bombay
3.Certified in “Foundation Program in ICT for Education”conducted by IIT Bombay
4.Certified in “Microsoft Certified Educator for Technology Literacy for Educators”conducted by Microsoft Certified Educator
5.Certified in “Database Programming with SQL”conducted by Oracle
6.Certified in “Database design”conducted by Oracle